Map collection

2 March 2016

Title: We all go for food security, but who wins at the end?
Keywords: #Food_security #Colonization #Corporations #Land_grabbing #G7 #Agriculture #Food #Revolts #Peasantry #Africa
Publication: Unpublished map.
Author: Agnès Stienne
Date: 2015.

The New alliance for food security and nutrition (NAFSN) is a partnership launched in 2012 by the G8 group (G7 since the exclusion of Russia) between private corporations from the agribusiness sector, 10 african countries (partners), international institutions, NGOs and peasants associations within partner countries. This initiative has been promoted as one of the means to eradicate hunger and malnutrition. However, more and more NGOs are criticizing the control of land resources by multinational corporations, which harms local communities more than it helps.

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